
hi, friends. I hope you have been taking care of yourselves. we are one week into the fourth month of the year, and things have been going in seventeen different directions. that said, I've been meaning to start some conversations. note before I begin: some conversations take the form of a rant or a "worried [...]

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abridged reflections: internet categories & labels

the internet is absolutely obsessed with labels and categories. minimalist, maximalist, liberal, conservative, sustainable, fast-living, healthy, unhealthy, that girl, [something]-core, and the list goes on. however, I am pleased to see that commentary youtube is tapping on the subject and approaching it in a logical manner. aaaaand I also do have something to say (would [...]

abridged reflections: life online

I have reached a point in my life online where only a few things now impress or captivate me. I don't know if it's the repeated, endless, and mindless scrolling I've caught myself succumbing to lately, but my state of "unimpression" as I go through my socials has been progressively and steadily growing. funny enough, [...]

a while later: an update

hi friends, I had initially hoped that my I-need-a-break-from-wordpress phase would be a revolutionary one-year hiatus, but as more days rapidly go by, I feel a little more inspired to share some thoughts and updates. long post ahead moving abroad & experiencing love in numerous forms a few years ago, I published (and re-archived) a [...]

not a good bye, but a see you soon

hi. lately i've been seeking to have more honest conversations. I reckon that, amidst the chaos of every-day life, we do not always have the capacity to engage in honest—potentially vulnerable—exchanges with others. so, here it goes... I've been blogging for the past eight years, and every few years or so, I decide to dive [...]

one step forward

it's insane how your own mind can make you feel. [pause tape scratch] i am currently in my office; in the last week, i've managed to arrive 30 to 60 mins later than everyone else. a past version of me would've possibly worried excessively over arriving late, as i am—97% of the time—punctual. however, i [...]